Chair to Bed – How Chairs Transform Into Beds

chair to bed

Chairs transform into beds, allowing you to make the most of space for lounging and sleeping. Ideal for guest rooms, they add a touch of fun and a welcome extra sleeping option for friends and family who come to stay. The best chair to bed designs are sleek and stylish, so they can be easily styled in a living room, home office or bedroom and blend in with your decor.

There are two main types of chair to bed – click-clack chair beds where the chair backrest and seat cushions fold flat to form the mattress, and futons that use simple upholstered fabrics and cushions that fold flat to offer a padded surface to sleep on. In general there can be a big difference between specifications and comfort levels for chair to bed models, so it’s always best to test before you buy if you have the opportunity.

The best chair to bed options can be spotted by the quality of their upholstery fabric, and they also tend to be the most lightweight to move around the room. Tustin’s Upholstered Chair Bed is a great example, with bonded leather or microsuede seating that can be used as a comfy reading chair during the day and a twin size bed for guests in the night.

Another great option is Loaf’s Pudding chair bed – a model that would work well as an accent piece of seating in any living room, but doubles up as a welcoming guest bed with its hidden mattress frame. It’s available in 145+ of Loaf’s gorgeously hued stain-resistant ‘clever’ velvets, relaxed-look linens, tactile wool blends and hand-buffed leathers. The medium-firm chair seat depth and cosy, fiber and feather-wrapped foam cushioning mean it’s barely distinguishable from an armchair when not in bed mode.

If you have a larger budget to play with, Darlings of Chelsea’s Weymouth loveseat chair bed is an impressive choice that combines the comfort and practicality of a chair with a supportive foam mattress. Its compact chair dimensions mean it won’t take up too much floorspace in your living room, and its wheeled design and strap make it easy to move and store.

Furniture Village’s Carlton chair bed is another example of a chair that turns into a bed, and it can be ordered in a huge range of wood colors to match your home decor. This design uses a long chaise lounge seat with an adjustable backrest that folds down to create a twin-size mattress, and it’s rated up to 350 pounds.

Another option is the Fredericksburg Amish Hartsville Prairie Chair Bed, which doesn’t require any wall clearance in front of it to pull out into a bed. This is ideal for small spaces and it also solves the problem of a gap that can leave your pillow falling into while you’re asleep.