How to Select a Chandelier For Bedroom

chandelier for bedroom

When it comes to chandeliers for bedroom, there are plenty of design choices. The classic circular style works well, but the fixture has also come in more contemporary forms with branches that spread out like art or options made of rattan. When selecting a chandelier, consider the room’s other decor features, such as wallpaper or fabric patterns, to ensure the light fixture complements its surroundings.

For example, a crystal chandelier might work well in a bedroom with elaborate wallpaper, while a simpler option could look just as appropriate in a more subdued space. If you’re using a chandelier to demarcate areas in a larger room, be sure to pick one with a wide enough diameter so that it can accommodate all the activities of the area without interfering with movement.

Once you’ve determined the ideal size for a chandelier, choose the best style for your bedroom. Crystal chandeliers tend to suit more traditional rooms, while simple, less ornate options lend a more contemporary look. If your bedroom has a lot of natural texture, look for a chandelier with lots of wood or wicker details to add a rustic touch. Alternatively, you can choose a woven rattan chandelier that’s more subtle, such as the ‘Heracleum III Small’ by Moooi, which has 63 polycarbonate lenses that reflect the light of the LED bulbs.

Another consideration when choosing a bedroom chandelier is the amount of wattage required to adequately light the space. The formula to determine the appropriate wattage is the room’s width and length, multiplied by 2.5. This provides the approximate number of bulbs the fixture needs, although you should always subtract the wattage of any bedside lamps to avoid over-lighting.

If you’re concerned about the amount of light your bedroom receives, you can always install additional recessed can lights or pendants around the room. However, a chandelier can add an extra dimension of light that’s perfect for creating a luxurious atmosphere. Besides, hanging a chandelier can be an eye-catching feature for guests.

Once you know how to select the right chandelier for your bedroom, you can use a few simple rules to find the best one. First, decide if you want the chandelier to be centered over your bed or if you’d rather have it hang towards the side of the room. A chandelier that’s positioned towards the side of the room may work better in a large space because it won’t overwhelm the furniture or draw the eyes away from other features, such as a fireplace.

If you’re unsure where to place the chandelier, try placing it at the head of the bed to create a focal point in the space. Then, you can position other lighting fixtures to illuminate the rest of the room. However, it’s important to keep in mind that a chandelier over the bed can create an intimate feel for your bedroom and you may not want to be too close to it at night when you sleep.